The age of your company can influence the business you wish to conduct. Old shelf company with bank account has been in subsistence that may affect the confidence of possible business associates such as buyers, creditors, or suppliers have in a company.
Some reasons you may necessitate an aged company:

· If you want to attain bank loans, corporate credit cards, leases as well as other credit facilities, an old shelf company for sale will be in better standing than a new incorporation
· Having a corporation image along with business history may be imperative to you – the longer a company has been in continuation, the more reliable it can be said to have
· Distributors, as well as manufacturers, often necessitate a company to have been in business for a certain period of time before doing business
· Similarly, other companies will do trade with an older company before a brand new one
· Showing permanence and enhancing your image with customers as well as lenders
· In numerous countries, government contracts may only be awarded to companies that have been trading for a number of years – an old company may be valuable to secure these
· Obtaining a Business Visa or else Work Permits for company directors is easier with a recognized company
· To create a manifestation of corporate permanence, which may boost investor or else consumer confidence
· To gain access to investment funds
· To gain easier access to corporate credit
We have a number of formerly incorporated companies that have never traded. These are one month to ten years old, accessible for immediate transfer, as well as fully inclusive of all documentation. Established companies are definite to be clear of any business debts or liabilities.